Designed2Live Blog

10 Small Steps To Improve Your Health exercise goals health & wellbeing health goals new year resolutions nutrition Feb 23, 2023

Many people make health-related resolutions, such as to lose weight, stop smoking or join the local gym. While it is common to set high goals, experts say that setting smaller goals could do more for our health.

"Small steps are achievable and are easier to fit into your daily routine," says...

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Eat Your Stress Goodbye - Stress Reducing Foods anxiety avocados stress stress busting stress busting foods Feb 22, 2023

When you’re stressed out, the foods that you’re turning to are most likely going to be traditional ‘comfort’ foods – think big meals, take-out, fatty foods and sweet foods. Let’s face it – we’ve all found some comfort in a tasty meal, a sugary...

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25 Ways to Help You Get Unstuck personal growth & spirituality Jun 17, 2020

In my previous post, I wrote about being stuck and I gave you 25 different areas where you can be stuck in your life. 

Today it’s all about becoming unstuck. If you practice these things daily, then you will have less chance of finding yourself being stuck and going nowhere. Then you...

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25 Ways You May Be Stuck in Your Life But Not Even Realise It personal growth & spirituality Jun 17, 2020

Life begins at 40! We hear this often and I even say it myself but for many, it’s a daunting decade of worry, frustration, loneliness, and loss. What starts out as excitement and exploration ends up with broken dreams, a loss of direction and hot flashes.

You really don’t recognise...

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It's 2020 - The Year Of Perfect Vision 2020 2020vision fitness goals goal planning health goals new year resolutions vision Jan 09, 2020

Happy New Year Folks! There’s something fresh and exciting about a new year isn’t there? We are reminded of the plans we had a year ago and how we reached our goals or failed them miserably in the first 3 months but regardless we are determined to do better this year right?

Going on a...

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What Are You Wearing In Your House? Aug 22, 2019

House clothes. Clothes you wear in your house. They are rarely bought specifically for that purpose. They are old clothes that are unsuitable to wear outside of the house. Why? Well because they are mostly old, dingy, ripped, out of date and/or shapeless.

There are a few reasons why you have then...

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How Many of These Bad Lifestyle Habits Are You Guilty of? health & wellbeing Aug 13, 2019

We all have bad habits. Some we know we should change and some we don’t even recognise as bad habits. They become so much a part of our lifestyle but are they the barriers that are holding us back and keeping us stuck? 

How many do you identify with?

  1. Keeping plastic bags in plastic...
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